IDV Luchino Summer Zine

Zine Icon by @noeye1_
Zine Promo Art by @jimbskips


Luminous Scales : IDV Luchino Summer Zine is a digital fanzine that focuses around Luchino Diruse and his precious people. From sunbathing, camping, to stargazing at night, would you like to join us?This digital fan project consists of a zine PDF and a digital merch package and will be free to download upon completion!

Frequently Asked Questions

How many applicants are you looking to accept?
We are looking to accept 25 Page Artists, 5 Merch Artists, and 6 Writers.
Are you accepting comic artists/submissions?
Yes! We would love to accept comic artists as a part of our zine, and with mini comics (3 or 4 panels) as the requirement for comic submission in place of 1 page illustration. So they will still be counted as Page Artists, but instead of making 1 page illustration, they can make a mini comic as their final submission.
Is ship content allowed to be in the zine?
Yes, both platonic and romantic ships are welcome! However, please refer to the section concerning content restrictions on our Info Doc. In addition to that, in order to not make the zine lean to one ship, the Mods will decide how many pieces are created for each ship.
What kind of merch are you looking to make?
We are looking to make desktop wallpaper, phone wallpaper, icons, printable bookmark, and printable paper doll!
Can traditional artists apply?
Yes! If possible, we would love to accept traditional artists as a part of our zine, both for Page Artist and/or Merch Artist! As long as high quality scans of the artwork are possible! Also please note that certain merch may require transparent backgrounds so the artist must be able to clean the background artwork to be transparent.
What will contributors be compensated with?
This zine is a free zine, so the contributors will be compensated with a full digital bundle of the zine.
Are contributors allowed to share their WIPs or their final submission on their social media / anywhere?
The contributors have full ownership of their zine piece, however, please refrain from sharing WIPs or posting the final submission anywhere until after the zine is launched. The contributors may post a cropped version of their zine piece during the promotion period.